Established in 1962, the Saint John Naturalists Club welcomes everyone interested in the study, conservation, and enjoyment of nature in New Brunswick.
The Saint John Naturalists’ Club holds its monthly meetings at 7PM on the third Thursday of each month from September-May, which feature informative guest speakers and educational talks relating to nature and the environment. The club also hosts workshops, nature walks and outings on a regular basis.

The Club runs 4 major nature conservation projects in Southern New Brunswick:
⁃ Point Lepreau Bird Observatory (est. 1995), a globally significant seabird migration monitoring station in Southwestern New Brunswick
⁃ Monarch Butterfly Conservation Project (est. 2006), which is a tagging operation for migrating Monarch Butterflies traveling south in the fall, as well as milkweed seed collection and dispersal to the public for milkweed planting
⁃ Greenlaw Mountain Hawk Watch (est. 2008), which is a strategically located hawk migration monitoring station in Southwestern New Brunswick
⁃ Shorebird Conservation and Education Project (est. 2019), a project that educates the public about protecting shorebirds that are on the beaches prior to migration, also a shorebird census is conducted through the course of the project.
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