The Greenlaw Mountain Hawk Watch (GMHW) is a strategically located Hawk monitoring station in Southwestern New Brunswick. GMHW provides important information on the migratory patterns of raptors and changes in their populations and migratory behaviour.

1. To determine the species of hawks and the number of each species that migrate through New Brunswick by identifying and counting hawks as they pass Greenlaw Mountain during the peak of fall migration
2. To train volunteers to identify and count raptors during the peak fall migration period (August 25 to November 15)
3. To detect trends in raptor populations by conducting annual counts and sending the data to the Hawk Migration Association (HMA).
4. To provide government agencies with important information about raptors
5. To increase public awareness about raptors and the need to conserve their habitats
6. To encourage or inspire other people in Atlantic Canada to establish a hawk watch and to report their data to HMA.

Volunteers Needed
Volunteer observers are a very important part of this project. The role of the volunteer is to help spot hawks. People of all skill levels are encouraged to take part. The official counter, Todd Watts will be on site to identify the incoming hawks and instruct the volunteers.
The season runs from mid-August thru mid-November each year.
People can volunteer for a few hours, a day, one day a week or whatever works for them. Volunteers require a pair of seven to ten power binoculars.
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This project was made possible through the generous support of the NB Wildlife Trust fund and the NB Environmental Trust Fund.
Annual Reports
Greenlaw Mountain Hawk Watch 2023 Report
Greenlaw Mountain Hawk Watch 2022 Report
Greenlaw Mountain Hawk Watch 2021 Report
Greenlaw Mountain Hawk Watch 2020 Report
Greenlaw Mountain Hawk Watch 2019 Report
Greenlaw Mountain Hawk Watch 2018 Report
Greenlaw Mountain Hawk Watch 2017 Report
Greenlaw Mountain Hawk Watch 2016 Report
Greenlaw Mountain Hawk Watch 2015 Report
Greenlaw Mountain Hawk Watch 2014 Report
Greenlaw Mountain Hawk Watch 2013 Report
Greenlaw Mountain Hawk Watch 2012 Report
Greenlaw Mountain Hawk Watch 2011 Report
Greenlaw Mountain Hawk Watch Committee:
Hank Scarth (Chair)
Jim Wilson
Don MacPhail
Carolyn Scarth
Joanne Savage
Max Cooke (Ex-officio)
Kate Jankowski (Ex-officio)
GMHW Committee Terms of Reference